Sunday, May 15, 2011

~School's Out for Summer~

Yes, we deserve a break!! Never have we all worked so hard, for so long...without a break!!!

Here are a few reasons we worked so hard this school year...

Having a new baby...yes, this forced us to stay home alot more than usual. I thrive on routines, and I could not get a good routine going if we ran around all winter and spring.

Me not feeling good. I had about 3 good months after Ellie was of pain, free of meds...but that came to a screeching halt. As soon as the weather changed, it affected me in a bad way. I tried to tough it out as long as I could, and finally restarted on my meds. The benefits definitely outweigh the risks, and it is time for me to start feeling better.

The has been cold cold cold! On cold and overcast days, we stay home and work, work, work...on school, on projects, on cooking and cleaning...dreary days are actually inspiring to me! I do my best work when it is yucky outside.

Goals accomplished:

Everyone really thrived this school year. Emily is doing much better on spelling and is reading chapter books by choice (not by force like last year). She is currently the Math whiz of the family and gets upset if she gets a 95 on her daily Math assignments. Amelia is a very good reader now, and her transition from the phonics book to real books was the easiest of all of the girls so far! Amelia has an extremely creative mind...I cannot wait to see how that developes!!! Anna flew through her science and history books, she also finished her math program way ahead of schedule. She is the most organized of the girls, and has really come out of her shell this year. She is attending Garden club at the library, and is really enjoying being a part of a group project.

Elaine is our resident author. She spends most of her time reading and writing...songs, stories, books, name it. She has spent the past school year doing high school level work: Consumer Education, British Literature, French and Language.
She just finished her last year of Volleyball at Pearce. Both her and Anna are looking forward to summer camps!

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